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Class ca.bc.europa.awt.DateSelector


public class DateSelector
extends ImagePanel
implements ItemSelectable

The DateSelector allows the selection of a date.

See Also:
ImagePanel, ItemSelectable, MonthCal

Constructor Index

 o DateSelector(Image, Image, int, int, int, int, int, Image, Image, int, int, int, int)
Create a DateSelector.

Method Index

 o addItemListener(ItemListener)
Add a listener for ItemEvent.
 o getPreferredSize()
Get the preferred size of the component.
 o getSelectedDate()
Get the selected date as a java.util.Date.
 o getSelectedObjects()
Return the selected date as an Object array.
 o removeItemListener(ItemListener)
Remove a listener for ItemEvent.
 o setDate(int)
Set the date
 o setSelectedDate(Date)
Set the selected date from a java.util.Date.


 o DateSelector
 public DateSelector(Image backdrop,
                     Image calImage,
                     int width,
                     int height,
                     int cellx,
                     int celly,
                     int titleHeight,
                     Image plusImage,
                     Image minusImage,
                     int buttonWidth,
                     int buttonHeight,
                     int year,
                     int month)
Create a DateSelector.

backdrop - The background image.
calImage - The calendar image see MonthCal.
width - The width of the component.
height - The height of the component.
cellx - The calendar cell width.
celly - The calendar cell height.
titleHeight - The calendar title height.
plusImage - The plus button image.
minusImage - The minus button image.
buttonWidth - The width of the buttons.
buttonHeight - The height of the buttons.
year - The initial year.
month - The initial month.


 o getPreferredSize
 public Dimension getPreferredSize()
Get the preferred size of the component.

getPreferredSize in class ImagePanel
 o setDate
 public void setDate(int yearIncr)
Set the date

 o getSelectedDate
 public Date getSelectedDate()
Get the selected date as a java.util.Date.

 o setSelectedDate
 public void setSelectedDate(Date date)
Set the selected date from a java.util.Date.

 o getSelectedObjects
 public Object[] getSelectedObjects()
Return the selected date as an Object array.

See Also:
 o addItemListener
 public void addItemListener(ItemListener l)
Add a listener for ItemEvent.

See Also:
 o removeItemListener
 public void removeItemListener(ItemListener l)
Remove a listener for ItemEvent.

See Also:

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